
Lognostics Maps 1983-87

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  data source: VARGA 1983-867: data analysis November 2019
data: 355 papers, 94 nodes, 1320 co-citations, 5+2 clusters
threshold for inclusion: Authors must be cited in at least ten different papers. Co-citations occurring less than four times are excluded.

3,816 unique sources are cited in the 1983-87 data set, with 94 sources cited in at least ten papers. The map shows the pattern of co-citations between these 94 most cited sources. The Sources are sized according to their betweenness centrality in the map. This measure gives prominence to sources who act as important links between the clusters, rather than to sources who are cited a lot within a single cluster. In this map, the most significant sources are Krashen, Lambert, Meara, Richards, Nation, Levenston, Tulving, Cohen, Lyons, and Rosch. Four of these sources are new entrants to the top ten significant sources list (Meara, Nation, Tulving, and Rosch), while four sources who were prominent in the 1982-1986 list have dropped out (Corder, Macnamara, Kolers and H Clark).

The analysis identifies five major clusters in the data, together with two singletons: Anderson was a detached singleton in the 1982-86 data set, and retains this status here. Galisson is a new singleton, a rare instance of French vocabulary research. These sources are frequently cited in this dat set, but not consistently co-cited with other sources.
The broad structure of the 1982-86 map is still in evidence in this map, but the number of sources who would identify as linguists has increased substantially.

Cluster I, the large cluster at the Eastern edge of the map is the core of the applied linguistics sources. Surprisingly, this cluster is still dominated by Krashen, who appears to act as the main linking node between this cluster and the psychologists in Cluster II. Levenston, Meara, and Richards continue to play a central role in this cluster, but significantly, they are joined by Nation who was previously identified with a different group of sources. This cluster now accounts for about 40% of the sources that make up the map.
Cluster II, the larger cluster at the West end of the map, is the now familiar group of psychologists whose work influences L2 vocabulary research. This cluster is about the same size as the equivalent cluster in the 1982-86 map - it comprises about 30% of the sources - but its membership has changed quite substantially.
Cluster III, accounting for 11% of the sources, is the small blue cluster in the centre of the map. This cluster appears to be made up of two sub-groups. The first is the familiar list of frequency counts that we noted in the earlier map. The second is a group of lexicographers who are interested in the role dictionaries might play in L2 learning. The links between these two groups are tenuous, as are the links from this cluster to the rest of the network.
Cluster IV, the second small cluster in the centre of the map, is readily identified as a semantics and meaning cluster. The key source here is Lyons. Cluster V, the last small cluster, at the Northeast corner of the map, is a small group of European vocabulary researchers, which again can be seen as a combination of two sub-groups. Gougenheim and Rivenc represent the remnants of the Français Fondamental project, while the remaining members of this cluster are a geographical group based in Belgium and the Netherlands. The key source here is Schouten-van Parreren.

The main structural feature worth noting in this map is the broad split between linguists on the right of the map, and psychologists on the left. The linguists make up a much larger proportion of the significant influences in 1983-87, but their co-citations are much more varied than is the case for the psychologists. (There is a dense set of co-citations among the European sources in cluster I, but the other links in clusters I, II, IV and V are relatively weak. Richards, Meara and Nation provide most of the links between the linguistics clusters. Krashen's co-citations acount for nearly all of the links between cluster I and cluster IV, and he preserves his status as pre-eminent Influence in this data set.

(c) 2019 Paul Meara