Vocabulary Networks: Program-6
This simulation works in the same way as Program 5
but it injects some random noise into your network
at the start of each update cycle. This means that
your network is NOT in its attractor state when an
upgrade event takes place. You can control the
amount of noise using the WdsON parameter.
Parameter nEv controls the number of events in the
simulation. Each EVENT turns ON a single word and
changes its TYPE to OR.
Set the value of nEv to 0. Set the value of ORWds
to 400, and find a network with a low level
attractor state. Check how this network responds
when you vary the value of WdsON.
Now raise the value of ORWds in small increments. How
does the behaviour of the network change as a result?
Which parameter affects your network most?
Can you identify a threshold where the value of ORWds
always results in a network where most words are ON?
What implications does this set of behaviours have
for theories of L2 vocabulary acquisition?